Sector School Board iStock_000001879155MediumSchool Boards – LoCA has unique expertise in addressing the special types of legal liability confronted by school boards and their employees. Whether a claim involves lack of supervision, student fights, bullying, sexual misconduct, bus accidents, sports injuries, playground injuries, injuries to an employee or another matter, LoCA has the experience and resources that school boards need in these cases.




compactor roller at asphalting workConstruction – Over the years, LoCA has become well known for its work in responding to and resolving claims against companies in the construction industry—especially those that operate on public highways.  





Municipalities/Public Entities – LoCA adjustors have a long history of successfully working with municipalities and other public entities of all sizes. We serve them by not only efficiently administering claims but my implementing safety training protocols to minimize their overall legal liabilities.




Sector Housing iStock_000009025108MediumResidential and Commercial Housing – LoCA offers high quality property and casualty claims administration and adjusting for insurance companies and public housing authorities in almost every parish across Louisiana.




Chemical EngineerIndustrial – LoCA has considerable experience providing claims administration service for industrial companies. We have the resources and expertise to handle any situation—from minor injuries to more catastrophic cases.